Unto us a child is born
Ecoutez la musique :
Unto us a child is born, King of al creation
Came into a world forlorn,
The Lord of every na-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-tion
Cradles in a stall was he
With sleepy cows and asses
But the very beasts could see
That he all me surpasses.
Herod then with fear waas filled
"A prince", he said, "In Jewry !"
All the little boys he killed
At Bethlehem in his fury.
Now may Mary's Son, who came
So long ago to love us
Lead us all with hearts aflame
Unto th joys above us.
Omega and Alpha
Let the organ under
While the choir with peals of glee
Doth rend the air asunder.
chanson existe sur les CD suivants :
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